Staking dApp— 4. Earn(LP Reward)
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Guide for Adding Liquidity on LP Pool
You can swap ETH/PERI by finding PERI or paste the following Smart Contract Address:
Note — PERI/ETH trading pair has in the Uniswap V2.
Participate the LP pool by adding PERI BSC Smart Contract Address:
Join the LP pool by adding PERI Polygon Smart Contract Address:
Add LP Token on Metamask
Step 1. Click ‘Add Tokens’ on the Metamask.
Step 2. Add Tokens on your appropriate network’s following LP token address:
And click ‘Next’
Step 3. After you click ‘Add tokens’, you can see the current LP token amounts.
Earn LP Rewards(Staking LP Token) — PERI dApp
We will explain the whole procedure in the Polygon Network. The process of Staking LP Reward on ETH and BSC are the same with following steps on Polygon Network.
Step 1. Click Stake — Earn on the staking dApp main page.
Step 2. Input amounts of LP token you want to stake and click ‘Stake’.
Step 3. Check the gas fee on the Metamask, and click ‘Confirm’.
Step 4. Once the transaction is completed, you can see the alert on dApp and Metamask.
Step 4-1. Check the staked LP amount on ‘Balance’ window.
Liquidity Providing could have risk of impermanent loss in PERI token price change. As a liquidity provider, your position may fall in value with respect to either asset (before fees) and impermanent loss is often defined as the percentage loss an LP would experience for a given price movement. PERI Finance do not guarantee regarding impermanent loss, and all risk of loss is bourn by the user.
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